My Dress-Up Darling
Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with a buddy who objected to his love of traditional dolls. He finds refuge in his high school’s home ec room.
Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with a buddy who objected to his love of traditional dolls. He finds refuge in his high school’s home ec room.
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with
My Dress-Up Darling Wakana Gojou, a doll-artisan hopeful, spends his days alone after being traumatized by a childhood event with